CACINA's College of Bishops Elects new Presiding Bishop

The Catholic Apostolic Church in North America's (CACINA's) College of Bishops elected Bishop Michael Theogene as the next Presiding Bishop of CACINA. Bishop Santore announced his plan to retire last month.

The College of Bishops expressed their thanks to Bishop Santore for his many years of service in the role of Presiding Bishop.  Bishop Theogene commented that it was with deep humility that he accepted the appointment as Presiding Bishop and understood that the role comes with a great responsibility and he hopes that he will "truly be a faithful servant to our God and to our people."  Bishop Theogene added, "My dream is to continue the quality and stability we have had over the years. This stability will give us all we need to work toward growth and positive change."  The People of God of CACINA join the College of Bishops in congratulating Bishop Theogene on his appointment and in thanking Bishop Santore for his many years of service and leadership as Presiding Bishop.