Is CACINA Roman Catholic?
CACINA is an independent, self-governing Catholic church. We are not a part of the Roman Catholic, Orthodox Catholic, or any other independent Catholic church. However, we share with them, through tradition, liturgy, and the apostolic succession of our bishops, a connection to the early sacred Catholic church.
Does CACINA believe that communion is a symbol of the actual, real, and true Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ?
CACINA declares its belief in the actual, real and true Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ; body, blood, soul and Divinity; in each and every portion of the Eucharistic Elements of bread and wine; from the moment of their consecration in the Liturgy until the moment of their dissolution.
Do CACINA parishes use wheat hosts and alcoholic wine for Communion?
Yes. CACINA follows the Catholic tradition of using valid wheat hosts and alcoholic sacramental grape wine. Parishioners who are not able to consume wheat or alcohol, should contact the parish bishop to discuss accommodations that the Church can make in these rare instances.
Is Holy Communion received under both species?
Yes. CACINA Catholics are offered Holy Communion in the forms of both bread and wine. The person receiving the consecrated wine can obtain the wine by either drinking from the chalice or by intinction. When receiving the wine by intinction the faithful can accept the host and then intinct or "dip" the host in the wine. The person also can hand the host to the Eucharistic minister who instincts the host, and then places it on the tongue of the communicant.
Who can receive Communion?
All baptized Christians who approach communion reverently, regardless of their current ecclesiastical affiliation, may take communion.
Can divorced people take Communion?
All baptized Christians who approach reverently are welcome at the table of the Lord. Divorce and remarriage are not impediments to the reception of the Holy Eucharist (cf. Matthew 10:8)
Is the Liturgy and Order of the Mass the same as the Roman Catholic Church?
The Order of the CACINA Mass closely follows the Novus Order and prayers of Roman Catholic Churches. CACINA did not adopt the Roman Catholic 2011 translations of the mass. See Liturgy to find out more about the minor changes in the order and prayers.
Does CACINA discriminate on the basis of race, gender, economic means, political beliefs, or sexual orientation?
CACINA follows the teaching of Christ that dictates that all are welcome. CACINA welcomes all people, regardless of gender, their marital status, political beliefs, or sexual orientation, to participate in the life and Sacraments of the Church; asking only moral conduct which is appropriate for all Christians.
Do CACINA Catholics believe that those who take Holy Orders to be closer to God or to be infallible?
CACINA Catholics believe that no individual, regardless of their position in a Church, including the Bishop of Rome (the Pope), receives an infallible personal insight into the Mind of God by virtue of his or her calling or position in the Church. Rather, the Holy Spirit inspires each person, lay, religious, and clergy, with gifts for the building of God's Kingdom (cf. I Corinthians 12, et al.) according to the Spirit's Plan for God's People.
Do members in your church celebrate the traditional sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation?
Yes. CACINA observes the seven Catholic sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick as signs of the Lord Jesus’ continuing Presence and action in His Church and channels of Actual and Sanctifying Grace. We offer catechism education to both adults and children.
Are CACINA priests able to marry?
In keeping with the ancient traditions of the early Church, CACINA does not impose mandatory celibacy on its clergy.
Does CACINA take an official position on political issues?
CACINA takes no official position on political or secular issues. Rather, CACINA calls all people to be imitators of Christ and to arrive at personal decisions in political and secular issues from a perspective that is deeply immersed in His teachings.
Does CACINA practice confession (the sacrament of reconciliation)?
All people sin. Sin is a sad but inherent part of a human nature, which has yet to fully align itself with the Will of God. As sinners we recognize the need for repentance and reordering of our lives; but also trust in the infinite love and forgiveness of our Lord. Reconciliation is the great Sacrament by which those who have wandered on paths, which lead astray, are reunited and reconciled to the Lord and His People. Though not required, private confession is available from any priest by request. During the Penitential Rite of the Mass, general absolution is customarily granted to contrite penitents.
Can women be priests?
CACINA has no gender restriction on candidates for Holy Orders. Vocations are discerned individually. There are general requirements for the candidates for the various orders and is a privileged gift of the Holy Spirit given on an individual basis (cf. I Corinthians 12, et al.). See Vocations.
Is divorce an impediment to remarriage in CACINA?
Divorce is not an impediment to remarriage in CACINA and does not bar one from the reception of the Sacraments.
What are your relations with other churches?
We welcome all who come to us in the Name of the Lord. We believe that all communities of faith honor and worship the one God. We extend to them the warmest of bonds of Love and Fellowship. They are our brothers and sisters in our common God. (cf. Mark 9:40). CACINA has several official affiliations with other organization and independent Catholic churches. See Affiliations.
What role does Mary, the Blessed Mother, play in the CACINA church?
CACINA Catholics venerate Mary because she is the Mother of God. By praying to and honoring Mary in a special way, we are led to love her and to imitate her many virtues, especially her total commitment to God's work. In our practice of asking for the intercession of the saints in heaven (Communion of Saints, cf. Revelation 5:8), we pray to the Blessed Mother to serve as a special intermediary in carrying our prayers to heaven.
How is CACINA governed?
The College of Bishops and the House of Delegates govern the National Church. See Church Governance for more information.
Do CACINA bishops have apostolic succession?
Apostolic Succession has been transmitted to CACINA bishops by the laying of hands during episcopal consecrations that are performed by bishops previously consecrated within the apostolic succession. Episcopal lines are traceable back to the original apostles with early lineage shared with the Roman Catholic Church. See Apostolic Succession.
Who is welcome to join our faith community and to receive the sacraments?
All who come in good faith are welcome to receive the sacraments of the Church. Persons are never excluded or made to feel unwelcome because of their race, culture, gender, marital status, sexuality, or political beliefs. CACINA offers you a welcoming and inclusive spiritual home, including if you:
- have been denied communion because of divorce and remarriage
- are a woman with a vocation to Catholic ministry
- are a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered individual and have been shunned, ignored, or ill-treated by your church
- find your political beliefs in conflict with your church
- are looking for a church whose members reach out to and serve those less fortunate